Stutt ágrip af kristnisögu

Stutt ágrip af kristnisögu 2021 - ISSUU

Stutt ágrip af kristnisögu - EPUB

Biblían 1981 PDF

Biblían 1981 fyrir farsíma

Bible KJV fyrir farsíma

Bible KJV (Restored NAME)

Nýja testamentiđ 1540
Ţýđing Odds Gottskálkssonar

Guđbrandsbiblía 1584

Biblían 1908
Breska og erlenda Biblíufélagiđ

För pílagrímsins - John Bunyan 1876

Lofgjörđ - safn lofsöngva

Játning og trú

Mađurinn sem Guđ notar
Mađurinn sem Guđ notar
eftir Oswald J Smith


Jesúmyndin međ íslenskum texta:
(Gospel of Luke with Icelandic subtitles)


Sadhu Sundar Singh (Books in English)

Vitranir frá öđrum heimi
Sadhu Sundar Singh

Guđsmađurinn viđ Kailashfjall
Sadhu Sundar Singh

Drottinn Kallar eftir Sadhu Sundar Singh
Predikanir í Evrópu 1922

The Spiritual World
By Peter Tan

H A Baker (Books in English)

Visions Beyond the Veil
H A Baker

Heaven and the Angels
H A Baker

Under His Wings - Autobiography
H A Baker

Spádómur frá 1968
Jesús kemur skjótt!

Prophecy from 1968 in Norway

The Price of God's Miracle Working Power
A.A. Allen

Angels on Assignment - Roland Buck

Within Heaven's Gates (Intra Muros)
Rebecca Ruter Springer

Scenes Beyond the Grave
Marietta Davis

Norđurljósiđ 1949 - 1954
Arthur Gook

C S Lewis - Selected Quotes

F.F. Bosworth
Af ţessum ástćđum

Rees Howells - stutt ćviágrip

Fyrirbiđjandinn - Rees Howells
Kafli 34- 36

Vonarljós - viđtal

Open Heaven spámannleg ráđstefna
í Jerúsalem 6. - 10. júní 2008
Rćđa eftir: Neville Johnson

Revelation verse by verse study (PDF)

Spádómarnir um Ísland
Adam Rutherford

Uppruni landvćttanna
Jónas Guđmundsson

Guđmundur biskup góđi

Ţrjár sýnir í lok tímanna
Koma Drottins - Ţrengingin mikla - Endir veraldar

The Prophecy of the Armenian Boy Prophet

AA Allen's Prophecy 1954

America‘s Last Call - vision by Kenneth E Hagin Sr.

The 7 event vision 1933 by William Branham

Prophecies by William Branham
California - Florida - The Vatican - Japan

Prophecies by William Branham - Pietro D’Aloisio

William Branham - Prophecy from 1965 (Buford Dowell)

The California Great Earthquake Dream Vision by Joe Brandt 1937

Prophecies by David Wilkerson

Prophecy by John Osteen 1983

Highlights from The Vision & Beyond
 by David Wilkerson (1973)

The Sign of Christ's Coming
Vision by Oral Roberts 2003

The Third World War (WW3) - Gottfried von Werdenberg
A Vision from 1994

Nicolaas 'Siener' van Rensburg
End time Prophecies

Prophecies of WW3
By Wladyslaw Biernacki

The Stormberger Prophecies

The Prophecies of Mitar Tarabich

A Future war in Scandinavia - Anton Johanson
A Vision from 1907

The Fate of the Nations
Various Prophecies

Birger Olsson spádómur í Fíladelfíu
6. nóvember 1955

Iceland´s Prophecy 2010 by Bob Jones

Hudson Taylor - prophecy 1855

Tibetan Bibles


Israel 2007